Starve the Doubts

Street Conversations from the Meetup in Austin, TX

Jared Easley and Ms. Christine

The following episode contains a variety of conversations from people that I met at the Podcast Movement meetup in Austin, TX.

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Kingdom of God by Kevin Wingate (Aka. AI Outlaw)
Life is Good by Kevin Wingate (Aka. AI Outlaw)
Proud My Boys A Texan by Kevin Wingate (Aka. AI Outlaw)

Austin Meetup

[00:00:00] I say, you know what? We are our own worst enemy. You are able to accomplish anything in life, but first write it down, then visualize it, go after it. And don't be afraid.

hello everyone. Welcome back to my podcast. I'm chatting with people on the street at the podcast, meet up and let's just start out here. So introduce yourself and tell us about your. Yeah. So my name is Tiffany Grant with money talk with Tim and we talk about everything. Money, nothing is off limits. And the goal is just to get more people educated about different ways you can use money, make money, spend money, all types of stuff.

So Greensboro, North Carolina, and you're here in Austin, Texas. Yes. Awesome. And so this is my second VidCon. I did 2019 and now it's 2021. People want to check out your podcast. Sure. So you can go to my website, [00:01:00] money, talk with and I put all the episodes there, but wherever you listen, you'll find me just search money, talk with Tim and listen up when you talk with TIFF.

Okay. Moving on. We've got Jennifer. Jennifer, would you like to be on the podcast? I'm actually not a podcaster yet. I'm a freelance writer in the personal finance space. So I'm chatting with these lovely ladies to get insider tips, to start my own podcast. So you're inspired to consider starting a show.

Yes. I'm hoping to start it in the next.

I'm going to commit right now. I'm starting it. It's going to happen. She's going to book a section. She's got to book a session here at VidCon to do her first episode. Okay. The person that you need to talk to is right over there. His name's Steve Stewart. He's the one that books, the podcast. What is your podcast?

So I actually do have a title for it. It's going to be mama's money map and it's going to be aimed at, stay at home moms. I feel like are kind of underrepresented in the personal finance space, even though they're making a whole [00:02:00] lot of the spending decisions for their families. So, and just to give some more financial education and not, not mommy blog education, but like real investing, like the meat of the matter.

I love that. So. And yes, I think anything mama is all right. Like I'm already, like, I love mama. I want to know about that. I'm a stay at home. Mom, myself. Well, congratulations on the idea and a podcast. It's not easy. It's a little bit of work, right?

Well, we don't Tiffany. Doesn't like to talk, Jennifer, how do you feel about talking? Cause you've been writing a lot. I don't mind talking. Halfway down the introvert extrovert lines. So I think I've got, I've got my writing out now. It's time to get my talking out to well said. And you're out of your comfort zone tonight.

You're here to meet up. Definitely. I'm proud of you. I would love to know when you launch your show so we can help let people know. I don't know, guys, tell me, pick a date. When am I going to do this? [00:03:00] Your first episode while you're here, because I already here. And that was one of your excuses and Sunday, now you people to hold me accountable.

So I can't get out of it now by March, that'll be spring. So you get through the winter season, you're inside. You get some things under your belt, some more research by March, March 5th. That's my dad's March 5th is a great day. And that's a one that's a good call because it gives you a time to have some episodes prepare.

So if life happens, you already have a couple episodes fall back on. Right. And I don't see your name bad, so

I'll be on my show. Okay. All right. Let's cut between off right now. So we're going to tell her story here real soon, but Katrina we're glad. Alright, Katrina from it's my money. Check me out between us coming sooner guys. So we're we're we're not going to let her talk cause he's got her whole, she got a whole dedicated episode and Tiffany I'm sure we'll have one to [00:04:00] where you are on right now.

Since you're here, you might as well get us. We're doing a selfie on a podcast, which might be a first for me. I don't know that I've done this. So here we go. We've got a microphone. That's what we want. We are literally taking a selfie. I don't know how I feel about that. I do hope that you'll tag me tag at podcast movement and if you'd be, even if you don't.

Thank you. All right. I'm going to move maneuver over here. Let's let's talk to Mike and my new friend, sir. What's your name? You call me Towson. He tells you away from Maryland, Maryland. You have a podcast. Not yet thinking about starting a podcast. Podcasts going to be about, so it'll be about helping people of all ages, no matter what points of their lives, pretty much planning for retirement in the future.

I think a lot of people don't always think about the future 10, 20, 30 years from now. And I really want to make the features very clear as much as possible and a lot of people to plan for it [00:05:00] so they can kind of put themselves in a position to be successful. Oh, well said. So do you currently blog or anything like that right now?

I currently do. I consume a lot of content and I have a lot of ideas on how I'll put together. Like the pockets are right now, I don't block. So if somebody wants to just stay connected with you, maybe they want to be your friend on Instagram or how do they do that. So, um, I'm actually, uh, creating a page.

Uh, it'll be your legacy CPA, uh, Instagram, um, in terms of other professional ways, they also reach But you own that domain? Yes. Okay, cool. So somebody wants to reach out and say, Hey, I want to check out the show. And it's like, yep. That's where they go. Your legacy Yep. Awesome.

And what brings you to Austin? I'm guessing if in con um, I've always wanted to come to think on this year, it presented itself a great opportunity to do so. So actually it was in Austin a couple, couple of weeks ago, so I felt like it was a no brainer to come again. And I'm really happy. I came, you know, got to meet a lot of the creators that I consume their content for a while.

And. It's kind of [00:06:00] great to can actually get into the content space and see what, what people do and, you know, the networks they bring and all those, all those different aspects of consecration. I said, well, I think you're definitely in the right place. Is who is someone that's doing something and the space in any space?

Well, I guess at least in this, I guess I can tattoo this. Basically I was kind of was in my mind. A couple of people. I really like different podcasts, like radical, personal finance. I think he brings an interesting perspective. It's Joshua sheets, right? Jasper seats. Yes. I really like his podcast. I feel like he brings an interesting perspective in this space.

He has a great wealth of knowledge and he's really unique, you know, how he kind of carries out his information. Um, other than that, I really like Paula pant afford anything. I remember I quoted a catchphrase of someone and they thought I was like a genius, but I had to give her credit for it. Anything, but not everything they thought that was like a philosopher when I said it, but I said, no, I got it from Paul the pants.

So, but other than that though, I really like her content. I like what she represents. She's going [00:07:00] to be doing a keynote, I believe. Or sometime a big talk here. Been gone. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And I actually met, um, another group, I in his, his or her money, I met them like literally a couple of minutes ago. I really love their content.

And, uh, yeah, I really, I really, you know, the past three or four years, I've absorbed a lot of the spanking content. And how could I forget you? This has really implanted a lot of me, like a lot of the different concepts and episodes that really made me want to do this. I think it's kind of pushed me to kind of think about different ways to reach people and build a base and build a build some type of content.

So what advice do you have? Somebody who's trying to be more prudent with their money. Someone that shall be more prudent with their money. The first thing I would say is if they don't already have a budget and actually know where money is going, I think there's a saying that I like to say. You can tell us what someone values based on where the money goes, you know, whether they realize it or not.

So if someone can see where their money goes and see the categories, they could probably step inside and ask, does this really matter to [00:08:00] me? Or am I doing this because it matters to someone else or am I trying to fix a need or a want and not really what I need to do. So I think that's the biggest thing.

And after that, I think just, you know, once someone's able to do that, look at what they really wanted their life. You know, everyone doesn't necessarily need a big house. Everyone doesn't necessarily need a big car or a nice. Um, just really stepping aside and really understanding what it is you want from life.

What lie to make those decisions. That'll help you in this well said, it's an honor to meet you, man. Let's keep in touch and best wishes with the launch of the show. Thank you. Appreciate

All right. We're going to make our way over lady. Sorry to interrupt. We're just going to say hello. Tell us about yourself and what. Sure. Whoops, sorry. Sammy's well, I'm a personal finance writer and podcaster. And where's home Atlanta from Atlanta. So you've come here to Austin [00:09:00] and I'm loving it. You have a podcast.

I do. It's called the dream as podcasts. And we talk about personal finance and entrepreneurship. How long have you been doing your podcast? It's a baby podcast. I've been doing it since February. So I'm here to just network with as many people as possible and get the word out about. So people check that out and they want to connect with you maybe on Instagram or how can they do that?

Instagram I'm at wealth, which is a N N E L Y S E wealth website. Dream of Cool. So, is there any advice you want to give for someone who's maybe trying to be smart with their money or wanting to start a podcast or in any advice, period? Well, as far as like, just wanting to be smart with your money, I think it starts with just knowing where you are.

So just take some time and actually figure out your financial situation so that you can set goals and reach. Well said, and if someone wants to start a podcast, well, [00:10:00] since it's still something that's new for me, I think doing your research. I know like before I starting my podcast, I did, I took a podcast course, which helped tremendously and really gave me a game plan to get it out in like less than, you know, a few weeks.

And, uh, it made this overwhelming process a lot easier. What was the course? Do you remember? Sure. It's. Paste the pod. It's fine. News, Turabi, and Jacqueline. Very cool. Well, I hope people will check things out. What's your website again? Dream of Wonderful. Thank you so much. And, uh, hope you have a good experience in Austin.

Absolutely. Yay. We're moving on here. We're going to say hello to a few more folks. Coming around coming around. Oh, here's some friendly faces. Let's start here. This is Chelsie or Chelsea, depending on, depending on the name band. Hi, thank you very much. Taleah is what she's going by for [00:11:00] this week. Thank you.

It's nice to see her, Jared. Yes. So we're just talking to friends here at the podcast meetup and would love to hear about you and what your. Well, I'm with the national endowment for financial education, and we are going to be launching a mini series podcasts really soon. So we are here to meet people who are also podcasters, who have their own podcasts essentially, so that we can learn what in the heck we're doing, you've come to the right place.

And it sounds like you're interacting with the right people. So, so yeah. So tell me, what's something that's happened to you in the last several months that you're proud of. Well, it's just me personally, like in my career, it doesn't have to be money related. No. Okay. Well, it's not money related. Know, we had a couple of people on my team just leave because they had other career opportunities, which is awesome.

I feel like as a, as a boss, it's really great when people, you know, kind of grow out of a position and find a better opportunity, but I've also had the opportunity to start kind of building [00:12:00] my own. Like what do I want in my team for the future and start like actively looking to hire people and. I'm really excited for that.

I guess I'm not so proud of it as I am just excited for the opportunity to like grow a new team at my organization and just have the opportunity to meet new people and help them, like, you know, grow in their careers. I love it. And so you and I were supposed to meet earlier today and then someone didn't show it was late.

It's okay. I was going to shake my finger at you with like angry eyes, but I had to take the anger as way. Cause it wasn't. I appreciate it. And then I was able to point out your name tag, and it seemed like we were equal. Well, I hope that the podcast goes well, I'm certainly a resource. Not that you need it, but I would love to chat.

Uh, but I I'm wishing you the absolute best. I think what you're doing. Thank you. We are definitely going to be in touch. This is not the last you'll have seen of me. And if people want to be your friend on Instagram or something, how do they do that? Oh my God. Instagram, uh, NiFi does not have an Instagram, but if he does have a Twitter it's, uh, N E F E underscore org NiFi underscore or.

So they just send that you a [00:13:00] follow and when they can make an, give you a shout out and you can DM me, you can see, you can just say, I mean, you can DM NiFi and just say, Chelsea I'm total. I'm the one who looks at it anyway. Right? Like, uh, with like any small non-profit it's like the company's name and like one person or two people that actually are behind it.

My team will help me out with that or, or I'll answer directly. I love it. All right. We're going to say hello to some more people. Thank you so much. Thank you, Jared. Nice to see you. Okay. You're up next year. You're not getting out of this. All right. My friend. Tell us your name and what you're up to. Uh, hi everyone.

My name is Mack. I am a co-host of Korean podcast. And if you're wondering who I am is not English, it's actually Creole or French, depending on how you're looking. Um, yeah, that's pretty much it. Are you Haitian? I am. I was born here, but my parents are so, and I represent Haiti a hundred percent represent.

Yeah, absolutely. And so tell us about what your podcast is and or will be or whatever. So yeah, the podcast has been going on for two years now. It highlights a success [00:14:00] stories of, of Haitian Americans or even Haitians around the world and a personal finance career investing in. Actually, my host is here as well, Luther.

And so we're here to, so first time we're learning or we're basking and the knowledge that everyone has to offer. Where's home, Florida. We're former Orlando, Florida, Orlando. We got Floridians represented. Uh, let's say hello to the cohost. How are you doing, sir? Very good. How are you? I'd love to hear your story.

What, what is exciting to you about this podcast? What's exciting to me is, um, having different guests coming on the show, just to share about their journey and, you know, uh, Shabbat hacks, you know, thriving and things that they've endured and alive that they can pass it down to the younger generation.

That way they don't make those same mistakes again. So if people want to check out y'all's podcast, Corn podcasts are not on Instagram. So Korem K O R E M podcasts. We [00:15:00] on YouTube, apple podcasts, Facebook. I love it. And do you have any, uh, words of encouragement for someone that's wanting to step out of their comfort zone and do something big?

Just start, just start. That's it start by listening to your show. Yes. Well said, all right, we're going to, we're going to keep making the rounds here. Let's let's let's hang out with this, uh, very short young man here. Hey Jared, just 6, 4, 6, 4. Okay. So for people that don't know, you tell us, well, thanks so much.

My name is Matt miner. I'm founder and host of the work pants, finance pod. Oh, go ahead. Do you want a work pants podcast? The one and only work pants, finance podcast. What's that about? So mostly focused on career and entrepreneurship, but I say we help MBAs entrepreneurs and other professionals make a financial plan that works as hard as they do.

So it's, it's all about doing great with your job so that you can have money to do the things that matter in your life. I [00:16:00] love that. So what encouraged you to. You know, really Steve Stewart encouraged me to start good answer. And Steve sees my editor, you know, I'd say following in the footsteps of a lot of people, I admire tremendously really just want to help families do a good job with their money.

And a lot of that relates kind of to story and telling stories of people that I enjoy and admire as well as my own thoughts on money has been kind of the inspiration for the show. How long have you been doing it? About a year. We have about 45 episodes so far. That's wonderful for a year. Well, thanks.

It's uh, it's been great and I don't know who all this show's going to. I'll I'll I'll smash. Every story you can please do. Bring stories are encouraged. You can always edit it out. My first show, I ended up receiving a cease and desist demand over the name. And so I encourage folks to. Research their name and make sure that they're not going to have somebody come after them to have to change it.

I like the name I ended up with better, but, uh, that was disheartening several months [00:17:00] into publication to have to make, have to make that name change for the show. So if you had to do that over what you would have just done searches on and podcasting apps or what I would have done more searches with us PTO and probably would have also employed the same IP attorney that I employed the second time around the first time around, just to say that.

So, yeah, that's, that's actually really good advice. Where's home. Home is Raleigh, North Carolina, and, uh, we're out here from there and it's been a great week. Got it for me. It's just starting out. Just got here today. Who's doing something interesting. What you're doing, something that interests me. I think podcast movement is tremendous.

The fact that my editor was a featured speaker there made me super tickled to be. What I love about audio in general is its ability to connect people. One of my favorite things is for people to contact me from the show and they like, they feel like they know me already. And it's funny on the one hand to be on the receiving end of that.

And then there's, you know, dozens of podcasts that I admire. [00:18:00] And when I meet them and stuff like this, just kind of fanboy out over those folks. So. I love that. Okay. So people want to check out the show, where do they do that? So any podcast player work man's finances, the show name, uh, work man's has blog content as well.

And then I'm probably most active on LinkedIn at Matt, M a T T M I N E R. I love that. So people can connect with you personally on LinkedIn, but they can also check out the show and various apps and stuff anywhere. You might find a pod. Yeah. I always like to ask someone, do you have a final thought for that person who's here?

He was wanting to do something bigger in their life. Maybe they're feeling a little bit. So I loved what Luther said about just start, I think besides just start, you have to just keep going. Like it's not easy it's work, but I think super rewarding and I really have enjoyed it. It's a pleasure to see you.

I'm glad you're here of your great experience in Austin and good luck with. Thanks so much. Where can I listen to this episode? [00:19:00] Star of the doubts podcast? So just do a search for star, that outs podcast. All right, I'll take it out there.

what's your name, sir? Thomas. Austin from Austin. Okay, Thomas, uh, this is a family friendly show. So is there a way to make this joke family friendly? Sure. It's not that it's not that bad. The best thing about dating a homeless girl is that you can drop her off anywhere. Uh, I don't, I I'm not, I'm not laughing at that.

I'm laughing at, at, okay. I was homeless so I can tell that joke. And this is my other one. It's not too bad. The difference with a toddler and a kilo of cocaine, Eric Clapton would never let a kilo of cocaine. I don't think he would. I don't think he would ever do that. And that joke was funny maybe 10 years ago.

So-so you are you're homeless. Is that right? Um, I'm currently in the process of getting off the streets right now. Congratulations. Thank you. It's a lot. It's really, the COVID has really helped me. The stimulus payments are what got me off the streets. It's wonderful. Well, I got to see everyone else doing bad, but I was kind of going [00:20:00] up.

Okay. So we're having a podcast meet up here and you're just literally just walking up, uh, and hanging out. Is that right? Right. That's right. And I love that. That's interesting. If you're willing to share, what, what kind of led to where you are in a bind? I had a pretty bad problem with drinking DWI. I had my own business at one time, and then I was a health inspector before that and a septic design.

If you're not in cities here, you have to have a separate system. But, uh, what is the podcast about, uh, this podcast is called starve, the doubts. So it's for people who like yourself, who overcome challenging situations, got all these great people, like for the, for save Austin. Now what a bunch of nice people as they were.

I mean, I look at here, I'm going to talk about how they couldn't stand to look at the. I don't like actually look at a tip, but what about the guy in the tin? I mean, nobody really cared about that guy. It's like, Jesus, we have to look at this from our condo. And I've been here since 83 and now it's all these counters are going up.

It hasn't gotten any better for me. I don't know why, why I'd want a condo going up then that why, why I have to look at a condo, but they don't have to look at a 10 because I have a shit ton of money. I guess [00:21:00] you're obviously not accepting the status quo. You're working actively working toward trying to get your life back.

What encouragement do you say to someone who's feeling down and out? I don't know, man, it's just despite his motivation, because I tried to find out that any time that I, I, if I find a cell phone out here or find anything, I always try to call and return it. You know, the deductible on insurance for cell phone would be about a hundred bucks, but they come and get me like $5 for a turn of their iPhone.

It's like, I don't really expect anything. People do anything more, but I feel like, oh, well I see a good deal for themselves out of my situation. So instead of help the person out, they help to help themselves out. I feel like a, nobody has done anything. Just, just because it's a good thing. It's either a ride or kind of benefit for them, but then there's a segment of the homeless population.

That's never going to want to do anything. And they're just, they're just never going to do anything, but there's people that are stuck also that just need a little help to get out. And you just need to distinguish between different types of people all [00:22:00] throughout the. But, uh, it's like when I go into a store, I have to leave my bag up front.

I'll all those I've never stolen anything. But if you said all black people had to leave their bags up front there, probably some, you know, some, some talk about it. This is like, I don't know why I'm accused of stealing. So what I would do, I'll leave my, I leave my bag up there and then I'd come back and I'll be like, Hey, where's my bag at?

And they're like, Hey, we're not responsible for your bag. I have some man. You just told me homeless people like to steal. Why would you have me put my bag with a whole bunch of people that like to steal? And then. Just you don't get equal protection. I can't even imagine. So for people that are listening to this who are not in your situation, how can they be more.

I would say, uh, I don't know. It's just trying to ask some empathy. You don't have to actually go through the actual situation. Maybe you have something close to it and you can have some partial empathy. Just try to replace that person. That's asking you with somebody that you care about and what do you want them to be struggling out there?

What'd you want somebody to help them and, uh, The amount of money that's in this town. It's insane. I mean, the amount of money that I see and then the excuses I hear why somebody is not going to help. No, I'd [00:23:00] rather just, I don't know why people just don't say no. I always say, oh, I always do have cash on me, but you know, Cassius so easily available now nobody has to carry it.

So if you really wanted to help somebody who would, when I had my means, it would take me about five seconds to produce some cash. If I didn't have any on me or I would ask people for help and they're like, I don't have any cash. And a lot of times I would be asking for food. I wouldn't even ask them for cash, but they feel like that's an easy way.

And, uh, I just feel like there used to be things that didn't supersede money, like a compassion and a certain things, but now I feel like it's all, it's all about the dollar. Well, I appreciate you being willing to share. Here's a gift to you. It's not much, but it's, it's, uh, uh, just a way for me to, yeah, there you go.

Um, there you go. Yeah, I wish you the best. Thank you, man. What's the name of your podcast? Again? Smelled star. Like you're hungry, starved. The doubts started out. So I'm gonna start, I'm gonna start listening to that, man. Even if you don't, man, I wish you the best and good luck to you. And I honestly believe you when you tell me that.

Cause I can see the sincerity and there's not a lot of that out here either. Well, Hey man, I know it's tough, but uh, stay resilient. Stay [00:24:00] encouraged, keep doing what he knows, right? I believe that's going to work out for you. Thank you, man. I'm on my way up. I'm on my way out. I believe that take care, buddy.

Well, I didn't expect that conversation, but Hey, you never know what you're going to run into, so. All right. Let's see who else is around. Okay, so we've, we've got Lisa here, so we're going to chat with Lisa. How are you doing? Tell us about you, your podcast or what you're working on. So, yeah, so my podcast is the level of REI podcasts.

I am currently interviewing a lot of investors and operators in the commercial real estate. Providing education and exposure to all different types of real estate, not just commercial real estate. Also residential,

you know, for me, it was a background just being in the industry, working as a controller, gave me the experience of sort of seeing commercial real estate. Also, I grew up in a [00:25:00] real estate family. My father was a contract. So the combination of both of those things then gave me like, oh, you know what, this is something that can be done and to go from there.

So yeah, they came in islands. Oh, really came all the way from the Cayman islands. I live in Los Angeles, LA. Oh, wonderful. Okay. So how's your experience in Austin? I love Austin. It's a guide. I do love LA though, but I do like this.

Oh, so who's doing something that interests you. I would say Jamila journey to lunch. Yeah. I really like her journey. Johnny to launch, but I like her journey of building her podcast and like what she's doing and continuing to grow well that, yeah. Good answer. If people wants to connect you, they want to hear [00:26:00] that podcasts.

Maybe they want to be your friend on Instagram. How do they do those? Yeah. Great place one stop shop is Lisa Like the Hilton hotel, only thing with a Y. And my Instagram is Alyssa. H Y. H Y H Y Hilton is spelled with a Y.

And I like to ask, do you have any words of encouragement to someone who's maybe feel a little bit stuck, but they want to do something bigger than their life. What do you say action informs you and helps you to determine what the next step will be? Because it helps you to zero the things that you like, and don't like, I really appreciate your time tonight.

Thank you. Hope you enjoy. And I hope people will check out your show. Thank you. Thank you for having me. My pleasure.

are we going [00:27:00] to move on over? We have a new friend here. How you doing, sir? Tell us about yourself. Well, my name is Sean clench. I'm here local. I appear to be the only guy from Austin. No, he, there are other people from Austin. I've talked to several few. I appreciate the invite. Thank you. Yeah, well, you're welcome.

I did not know this event was going on. I met Lisa and a few other people are very much inspired by their brilliant mind. You're already in good company. Very much so. And then locally here, I launched a podcast called stories inside of the man-cave at the beginning of the lockdown, the premise. Was to create positivity when everyone thought the world was, the sky was falling.

And I was in the media for 21 years, a sports journalist, and it was three years in the making. So that why not? Why not? It was something like a lockdown that we probably will never experience. Again. I hope I hope so. What, what are some of the results you've seen since you've launched this to put this out there?

You know, it's been varied. I think, uh, the demographics. We're complete [00:28:00] opposite of what I thought we have more women listening. We had people seeking. We had people seeking for motivation, inspiration. We went from all audio to four months ago, lost an audio platform. I mean, excuse me, a video platform. And the support has been unreal.

I mean, we have two sponsors now they're local to Austin. That's a start. That's a wonderful start. And so how did, did they approach you or did you approach them how that were I aggressively went after them. Rightfully so, but the thing is, I think previous interviewee, Elisa, we were talking about, you have to figure out who, your demo, who you're targeting and the two.

At insurance agency here, there are a lot of former Texas Longhorns, like the insurance agency owner is, and then also there's a coffee shop here on the south side and a lot of athletes and a lot of new Austin are gravitate there. So now a lot of those folks [00:29:00] they're listening to this podcast. Oh, I love that.

That's fantastic. Okay. So people want to check out the show. Maybe they want to be your friend on Instagram, whatever. Well, first off the podcast stories inside the cave can be found. We have a, our own unique Facebook page. It's also on bus sprout or any audio listening platform, all of them basically. And then we also, uh, we upload to YouTube stories inside the man-cave and on Vimeo.

As well, and then splitter stories, man. Man-cave I don't know why it's so difficult for me to continue to say that at stories man-cave and then stories inside man-cave podcast on Instagram. And if for someone who's feeling, uh, maybe they're feeling secluded and nerd is like, ah, man, I need to get out of this.

I say, you know what? We are our own worst enemy. You are able to accomplish anything in life, but first write it down, then visualize it, go after it. And don't be afraid. And it helps to have friends like Lisa, when you agree, I at least as a fine American, she was fire you. [00:30:00] She's a comedian too, because I write comedian, comedian, American, Andrea, and comedian.

I'm not even saying that. Right. I might've made that up and she's a Georgia bulldog. Now that, uh, normally I wouldn't, uh, allow on the show, but I am an SCC enthusiast. I'm an Auburn fan. Uh, so Lisa, there's a little bit of a, yeah. I might have to delete Lisa segment. I think I'm just kidding. Now, do you welcome in the Longhorns as Sooners with open, with open arms, we love that the sec has growing Texas brand of course speaks for itself.

Oklahoma's a great. I would like to see Texas do a little bit better. How about you? Uh, yeah, I spent a well over a decade of mediocrity and that's a part of stories inside the man-cave weight. It's sport centric, but it's, you know, there's a little bit of business and motivation and intertwined. Yeah.

Texas needs to step it up. Can we at least admit that the Longhorns would not beat the bulldogs if they played each other right. Let's do that for Lisa, Lisa UGA would be the Longhorns, but you had to throw up your [00:31:00] horns just once now. Lisa will never do that. She has too much pride, Georgia bulldog go, oh God.

And his AC his air conditioning dog. I don't know how this conversation went there, but, uh, that's what the story of life is about. You gotta be prepared to go different directions. You really do. You really do. And, uh, now that I know a little more about Lisa, I'm a little concerned. I'm a little proud, but I'm also like, I don't know how I feel about.

I wish you hadn't shared it. All right. Well, you know, Lisa, I think everyone in this conference, here's the meter because they should not only will you, uh, have anti SCC hatred maybe. No, no. I love this. Let the record reflect that. I love this. No, but George was a fine. Athens is a fine college town. It is a cool town.

And I appreciate you guys welcoming the Longhorns there and listening to her podcast. Everyone's podcasts and stories inside the man-cave. And Jared, thank you for inviting me on Twitter. I would have never known about this. [00:32:00] Well, yeah, that's what it happened. I messaged you on Twitter. And you were like, who's this weird guy messaging.

He looks familiar. I was like, where did I meet this guy? Was I sober? Was that

I thought wasn't networking event that we meet at I'm a little too old to be meeting people, any variated, but now you're here. You've met Lisa. Maybe I had a chance to chat with a few people and so far so good. No, this is something that I think wherever you guys may be for next year in 2022. Lisa, the fin con gave me a rundown, but I think everyone would benefit.

We're going to be in Dallas, Texas next year, which is not, not far from Austin. It's only two and a half. I was nearly there today. I'm not going to name the industry I'm in, but I had. Client calls. If you will, 37 miles south of Dallas. Fair enough. Well, we'll be in Dallas next August. I can't be certain if Lisa's going to show after this conversation, but there'll be other good people.

I promise you. And [00:33:00] I have become friends just. We need to team up on Lisa. Lisa needs needs a little bit of humbling, whether she knew it or not. This is sec brotherhood and sisterhood. It is, it is. And, and, and there is no better place to kind of give each other hell. And also still deep down, have a respect and admiration for John.

I can't wait to be a member of the sec. I don't know what I'm supposed to yell or say, cause I'm not, I'm not part of the brotherhood yet coming soon. He determined that I think it'll be before 2025. What do you think? 2023, it will happen. Okay. Well, you've heard of. Don't quote me, but I did well. I'm quoting here.

It's a pleasure to meet you. Pleasure to meet you. And I look forward to seeing you soon. You're doing great things, and this is a great podcast. Thank you so much.[00:34:00] .